Ph.d. forsvar: Data Handling Strategies in Nutritional Metabolomics

Illustrated using metabolic states and trans-fat exposures

Gözde Gürdeniz

PhD thesis

Frontpage of thesis

Advances in analytical technologies lead to an emerging field, metabolomics, providing compre-hensive coverage of chemical constituents in biological samples. Its application in nutrition has the potential to disclose the underlying patterns in the interface between the nutrients and biological systems to understand the nutrient influence in the assessment of individual’s health and disease status.

Two nutritional issues were objects of investigation: 1) metabolic states as a function of time since the last meal (postprandial response) 2) patterns related to trans-fat intake.

In order to extract the associated metabolic patterns from LC-MS and NMR plasma profiles, a metabolomics workflow starting with data handling, through identification of relevant metabolites, to interpretation of results in biological terms, has been established.

In terms of data handling, several software tools (e.g. MZmine, MarkerLynx and XCMS) for preprocessing LC-MS data has been evaluated. Furthermore, application potential of PCA, PLSDA and sparse PCA as data analysis tools in metabolomics has been discussed.

2013, 176 pages,
ISBN 978 87 7611 561 6


26 February 2013, 13:00


Lecture Hall A2-83.01 (3.03), Thorvaldsensvej 40, Ground Floor, 1871 Frederiksberg C.


Professor Søren Balling Engelsen, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Science,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Dr. Claudine Manach, Human Nutrition Unit, JRU 1019-INRA, University of Auvergne, Centre de Recherche de Clermond-Ferrand/Theix, France.

Senior Manager Lars Nørgaard, Foss A/S, Slangerupgade 69, 3400 Hillerød, Denmark.


Professor Lars Ove Dragsted, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Professor Rasmus Bro, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.